Commercial washing machines

Whether you’re running a healthcare organisation, a hotel or a boarding school, you’ll need to get through a huge amount of laundry efficiently. Washing machines for businesses are specifically designed to clean large quantities of items to a high quality quickly. They do this with features like higher spin speeds, shorter cycle times and larger capacities. 

To help keep costs and waste low, many commercial washers are energy-efficient cycles and smart technologies like auto-dosing. Commercial machines are also best suited to businesses with particular hygiene requirements, such as care or nursing homes, who need WRAS 5-approved equipment. 

Our range of machines are from well-known manufacturers, so you can trust that any machine you choose will last for thousands of cycle hours. Plus, with our professional service and support team, your machines will be well-maintained and keep running for as long as possible.

Displaying 1 - 12 of 42 products

Our range

As one of the UK’s largest independent providers of commercial laundry equipment and laundry services, we’re able to bring you a broad range of commercial washing machines and commercial tumble dryers.

This includes a wide choice of leading suppliers and different types of equipment. However, we know that not all of our customers’ needs are the same which is why we’ve curated a varied product range with different sizes, features and capabilities.

Our commercial washing machines range in capacity from 5kg up to 60kg. We have models which are suitable for both OPLs (on-premise laundries) and vended environments.

All of our machines are designed to be used in high volume, demanding and constant use laundry operations

If you can’t find the right washing machine then please call us on 08000 546 546 or contact us and one of our experts will be happy to help.


We’re passionate about getting your laundry working effectively and efficiently. Our expert team will take the time to understand your business, your requirements and then match you with the right solution from our vast range of commercial washing machines.

The product is only the beginning though. We work with you for the entire lifespan of your equipment and can prove regular maintenance and servicing to keep your appliances running optimally for longer, wash after wash.

Our brands

The brands that we supply have been carefully selected to cover all corners of the commercial laundry market, so no matter your needs we’re confident that we can match you with the solution.

If you’d like to use the latest smart, IoT laundry technology then take a look at WASHCONNECT. With 100% real-time temperature validation across both the washers and dryers, WASHCONNECT offers you full visibility of your laundry process via a simple-to-use cloud platform.

Primus and Speed Queen bring great value and everyday reliability. With a wide variety of sizes and specifications of laundry machines including both top loading and front loading, you’re guaranteed to find a solution that fits your requirements.

For high performance from a well-known brand, take a look at our Miele range of professional laundry equipment including the ever-popular Little Giants range. And if you need a payment solution, then take a look at Airwallet cashless payment system.

Who we work with

We work with companies across the UK, helping to implement effective laundry solutions in all sectors.

Some of our specialist areas include Care Homes, Hotels, Hospitality and Private Schools. You can visit our Sectors page for industry specific advice and case studies.